Gingerbread Biscuits for Dogs

Fill your house with the smell of freshly baked gingerbread and treat your own adventurous dogs with these biscuits. Naturally gluten free.


  • 300g buckwheat flour (or any flour*)
  • 60g peanut butter (smooth or coarse)
  • 1 apple peeled, grated, no pips
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1 tsp ground ginger
  • 1 tbsp blackstrap molasses
  • 120ml water

*be aware that if you use other types of flour these biscuits will not be naturally gluten free


  1. Pre-heat oven to 180C, 160C Fan, 350F, Gas 4
  2. Put all the ingredients in a bowl
  3. Mix together to form a dough
  4. Roll out the dough evenly
  5. Use a biscuit cutter to cut it into shapes
  6. Place onto baking tray and bake for 20-25 minutes
  7. Cool on a rack
  8. Store in a jar or in the fridge

This is a complementary pet food for adult dogs. You can feed it to your dog anytime as a treat.

Heading to Crufts Thursday 9th March 2017

Kerry Blue Terriers will be judged in Ring 4 Hall 1 Thursday 9th March, the breed is second in that ring to be judged, before us are the Scottish Terriers (which produced the overall Crufts Winner in 2015), there are almost 100 Scottie’s before our breed is judged. 

Do read our new Interview section on Pets and Their Owners where you can meet Lila and Finn 

Meet Lila and her Family

We hope you enjoy our latest Pets & Their Owners Interview with the delightful Lila and her equally delightful owners – thank you for taking part.

  1. Your Names (first names) and name of your Kerry Blue Terrier(s) I’m Paul, my wife is Jan and our Kerry is Lila 

    Lila looking very youthful at 7 months young
  2. Location? North West UK
  3. How old is/are your Kerry/Kerries? 11 years 6 months
  4. Did you have from a Puppy or get an older dog? from puppy
  5. What made your mind up that a Kerry Blue Terrier was for you? this my 5th Kerry. Dad said they were the best
  6. House training easy? quite good, but not as good as my last Kerry
  7. Did you participate in puppy and or dog training? yes
  8. Is there a Master in the Family who was responsible for training or was this shared? Yes me
  9. Is your Kerry(s) good eater or picky about their food? quite good, but she knows when she is full
  10. What is their usual feeding regime? Eg dry, tinned, mixture. A mix of dry and tinned
  11. Favourite treats? doggy chocs
  12. Super favourite absolute do anything for treat? chicken
  13. Where does your Kerry(s) sleep? in hall in her bed or son’s bedroom when home.
  14. How often and what do you do when grooming your Kerry? Clip every month, tidy with scissors once or twice a week – kept short
  15. Does your Kerry go on holidays with you? she may do in uk in the future
  16. If you’re going abroad or away does your Kerry have a regular kennel or holiday home or sitter? Is/was that a simple process to organise. Yes 
  17. When out and about how good are they on and off the lead. Very good off. Pulls a bit on a collar, better with harness
  18. Meeting other dogs? very peace loving, more interested in me.
  19. Do you do any extra curricula activity with your Kerry eg obedience, fun shows, agility, field work? not officially, but both my last girl and this will jump the walls in my local common (6ft high) quite easily. Both really athletic jumpers
  20. Apart from regular boosters, worms, flea and tick prevention has your Kerry had any health problems?. No not so far. Most of my others had cysts
  21. Does your Kerry perform to command any tricks? yes basic roll over
  22. What’s the funniest thing they do? rolls on her back for tummy tickle when meeting you
  23. And the naughtiest thing that’s potentially interpreted as cheeky dare I ask? (Was it a one off or habit?) Started refusing to come when called in the park, if she thinks we are heading home.
  24. Describe your Kerry(s) personality? Unusually Very dog friendly. Tribute to the breeder.
  25. Describe the Owner(s) personality?! Strong willed, but kind. (my wife’s description)

Local dialect – Scran is a Merseyside term for food – you learn something new every day!

Best Regards Paul, Jan & Lila

Want to share your Kerry’s story? Please get in touch here 


Please Meet Finn

We live in Northern Ireland

Finn is his name…..but generally he is affectionately known a Finn the fecker [you probably need to be Irish to appreciate that]…John calls him ‘my Kerry blue puppy’

He is 2 years and 3 months and we have him from eight weeks.  My friends hubby was the breeder so he was picked early… bout 3 weeks I think.

Finn very content and happily living in Northern Ireland

The story behind getting a KBT is. When John was growing up he had a Lakeland terrier…Darkie.  John’s dad just about tolerated Darkie but told John and me that if he ever was to get a dog it would be a KBT.  We lost John’s dad five years back and we still miss him so much. When my friend told me her hubby was going to breed a litter I booked one for John.  He still wasn’t convinced about getting one at that stage.  It was Finn that picked me but when John saw him for the first time… still not convinced he would take him…that was that Finn was his. They are inseparable and to add to this, johns mum adores Finn too because he is a direct link to what John’s dad wanted.

We had another dog Zacc a lab terrier cross. Our daughters dog who we had to say goodbye to after Christmas.  He was in his 14th year and has dementia, was blind and the hips had gone.  

Zacc and Finn developed a tolerance for each other and believe it or not despite his issues Zacc was the top dog and for all his feistiness Finn had respect for Zacc and was lost for a good few weeks after he died.

He settled really well and trained quickly.  He is a really clean dog. I’m convinced if he could use a toilet he would

Yes John went to dog training classes… it’s funny how John and Finn were quickly segregated from all the other lovely quiet obedient dogs… he went in with most to learn but by the end of the six weeks Finn tolerated the other dogs and eyed the humans with a bemused inquisitiveness!!! He also completed all the tasks without any mistakes, the only one in the class to do so.

John is the master… if John is not here it’s our son Rory… and failing that it’s me??!!!!!

Feeding what a picky picky eater… nibbles everything… cannot be made eat… has devised his own eating pattern… eats a bit and then goes back later to finish… of course he is spoiled… John adds wee nibbles of meat to encourage him to eat… not sure how he does it, but he picks the meat out and leaves the dried food!

Dried sausages from the pet shop or roast beef… fancy!

His big treat is his duck… advertised as being indestructible…. we are now onto duck number 4.  The others were washed and mended but the eventually had to be replaced we didn’t want him eating the stuffing

Sleep… ‘dogs are meant to sleep outside or should never get passed the kitchen’.. a quote from John when we got Zacc many years ago…. where does Finn sleep … on our bed of course and when it’s cold he snuggles into whoever is warmest… usually me.  Bed time is funny. Finn knows the routine and sneakys up to bed while John locks up but he flies up and down the stairs as if to say… ‘would you hurry up I’m tired’

John does his grooming 4-6 weekly. He took tips from the breeder but mostly learned from YouTube… he’s doing a great job… brushed every day or every other day and he loves it.

Yes we took him to Kerry last year and we are going back again this year

Since we love staying at home for holidays leaving him with anyone is not an issue… we left Zacc in kennels when he was younger 3 or 4 times and swore never again… you could tell he missed us so much… if we need to go somewhere our son would look after him.

The only time Finn has been off the lead is on a beach in Donegal and Kerry… he hates anything and anyone other than his family… whom he shows with actual hugs and kisses.

No extra curricular duties.. not interested in Showing him either..we went to a friendly closed show .. too stressful for him and us not our scene

No health problems.. due his boosters soon.. oh yes he hates the vet too but there is a vet there that adored him and watches out for him coming in… he had a KBT when he was younger

No major tricks

Funny things

He makes us laugh every day but here’s s few things:

  • Finn was heading to his water bowl to drink but John said hold on I will give you fresh water… what did Finn do… turn around retrace his steps sat down at the sink and waited for the water to be changed
  • At the weekend when we lie in he ‘grooms’ John… particularly interested in his left arm
  • He flies to the front door when John comes home and wants a hug… an actual hug… i.e. Two paws on either shoulder
  • He loves loves loves gettin raspberries blown in his neck… tough if you’re dizzy doing it he snuggles in tighter as if to say… do it again…
  • When Zacc was alive he kept sneaking in and getting his toy which we chastised him about… we gave it back to Zacc but the wee fecker would go get it again and sit there with it in his mouth just looking at us as if to say… ha ha

Finn is loyal beyond question.  He adores his family and once any visitor is passed by us he likes them too

He is feisty, very dog aggressive… incredibly smart… and he just knows when you are sick or feeling down… I had a chest infection… for two days he lay his head on my chest at every opportunity…

John is very much similar … outside his family he tolerates other people but if you are his friend he is loyal… bye the way he would get the opportunity to lie on my chezty if I was sick!!!!

John and Finn but written by Elaine somewhat approved by John!

Kerry Blue Terrier Association UK Endorses the UK Kerry Blue Terrier Rescue

We are delighted to announce UK Kerry Blue Terrier Association’s Official Endorsement of the UK Kerry Blue Terrier Rescue confirmed today. “The Kerry Blue Terrier Association is pleased to say that they support the Kerry Blue Terrier Rescue. We have written to the Kennel Club and asked that they are added to the list of Breed Rescues. They have a wonderful Web Site and Facebook page, with details of the Kerries that either need re-homing or the stories of the Kerries that have been re-homed by them. I hope that everybody gives them the well deserved support that they have earned.” This is posted in a statement on the KBTA UK Facebook Group Page today.

Please read the official response from UK Kerry Blue Rescue Founder Mark Buckley here Congratulations Mark and Team and we look forward to hearing continued growth and success from your good work. We all appreciate the great work that Bridget McGeown has done over many years and welcome the proven, vibrant and committed work you’re doing and the recognition and growth that you deserve and look forward to continued updates on the positive and caring work that you’re achieving


KBTA Christmas Party at Ladies Kennel Association Championship Show NEC Dec 2016

KBTA Get Together at Ladies Kennel Association December 2016
KBTA Get Together at Ladies Kennel Association December 2016

KBTA organised a bench Party to celebrate Christmas with another superb spread. It was very well supported with the exhibitors supplying a wide variety of food and drink. Everybody said how much they enjoyed it and the beautiful cake went down a treat too. The French and Italians really seemed to enjoy the party and there was a lovely atmosphere. It was great to see some old friends who also joined in and came around for a chat. Jimmy Linsdell (past KBTA Treasurer) really enjoyed himself although as he said there were quite a few newcomers who he didn’t know. Thanks must also go to Jessica Pretty who had a great input into organising the event, and also laying all the food out on the tables. The timing worked out well, as we had the Championship show on first then it was a while before out Open show, which gave us time to hold the party and for everyone to do their Christmas shopping. Thank you to our DogWorld KBT Breed Columnist Lyndia Salmon for the kind words.

Celebration Cupcakes for Dogs!

This Recipe Makes 6 Cupcakes

  • 150g (5 oz) brown rice flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 100ml (4fl oz) milk
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 50g (2oz) Cheddar cheese, grated
  • 1 tbsp ground flaxseed
  • 1 tbsp finely chopped fresh parsley
  • 50g (2oz) cream cheese

Preheat the oven to 180C (350F/gas 4). Lightly grease a muffin tin.

Measure out the brown rice flour into a clean bowl and make a well in the centre.

Break the eggs into another bowl and pour in the milk and olive oil. Beat lightly together. Add to the brown rice flour and stir well. You should have a nice loose mixture. Add the grated Cheddar cheese, herbs and ground flaxseed and mix together with a spoon.

Spoon 1½ tablespoons of the mixture into each hole of the muffin or bun tin. Transfer to the preheated oven and bake for 15 minutes until the tops are a light golden colour.

Remove the cupcakes from the oven and place on a wire rack to cool. Once they are completely cool, spread a teaspoon of cream cheese on the top of each cupcake.

  • Kcals/100g (4oz): 445
  • Protein: 16%
  • Fat: 20%

Top tip: If you are feeling in a particularly celebratory mood, you could pop a blueberry on top of each cupcake as an extra special treat.

Recipe from Lily’s Kitchen Founder Henrietta Morrison, 2012. Ebury Publishing: Ebury Press. P. 67 RRP £12

Delicious Homemade Kibble

This is a great dish as all of the ingredients, except the turkey, are made in one pot. You could, of course, just serve this as a stew, but I love the idea of being able to make your own kibble. It does take about an hour to make, but it’s very easy, and also very empowering to make a food that always seems to be a bit of an industry secret.

Turkey is great as it’s very low in fat as well as being very digestible, which makes it useful for dogs that are allergic to the usual protein sources – lamb, beef and chicken. Turkey is also handy as it’s readily minced (unlike chicken!)

This is also a good hypoallergenic recipe as it is free from wheat. You’ll notice I haven’t included peas, which seem always to be part of a dog’s menu these days. Peas can be quite hard to digest for some dogs and therefore can make your dog quite windy.

  • 200g (7oz) brown rice
  • 100g (4oz) lentils
  • 200g (7oz) carrots, peeled and chopped
  • 200g (7oz) sweet potato, scrubbed and chopped
  • 1 apple, peeled, cored and chopped, or 100g (4oz) apple puree
  • 100g (4oz) whole oats
  • 1 tbsp finely chopped fresh parsley
  • 2 small spigs of fresh rosemary, finely chopped
  • 500g (1lb 2oz) minced turkey
  • 50ml (2fl oz) olive, sunflower or rapeseed oil

Put the rice and lentils into a saucepan and cover with 1.2 litres (2 pints) of water. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 20 minutes.

Once cooked add the chopped carrots, sweet potato and apple to the saucepan. Stir in the oats and chopped herbs and cook on a gentle simmer for a further 20 minutes. Preheat the oven to 180C (350F/gas 4).

Meanwhile, brown the turkey mince in a separate frying pan. You will need to keep stirring it while it is cooking to prevent it sticking to the pan, as it is very low in fat. It will take about 10 minutes to cook through.

Put half the cooked vegetable and grain mixture into a food processor with half the cooked turkey, add half the oil and blitz so that it resembles a thick puree.

Spread the mixture onto a baking sheet so that it is about 5mm (1/4 in) thick. The mixture will spread slightly so leave a bit of room for this.

Repeat as above with the remaining ingredients.

Place both baking sheets into the preheated oven for 35-45 minute; flipping it over half way through the cooking time to make sure it is cooked on both sides. (It’s important to flip it over so that it dries through.) You should have what looks like two very large cookies. Make sure that the kibble is completely cooked through, as any moist bits will go mouldy after a couple of days.

Reduce the oven temperature to 160C (325 F/gas 3), remove the baking sheets from the oven and cut the ‘kibble cookies’ into small pieces. Replace the baking sheets with the broken pieces on them into the oven for 1 hour until they are completely dry (but not burnt).

Remove the kibble from the oven and leave to cool completely. It should resemble pieces of broken pitta bread. It will keep in the fridge for 10 days.

  • Kcals/100g (4 oz): 365
  • Protein: 20%
  • Fat: 9%

Recipe by Lily’s Kitchen Founder Henrietta Morrison, 2012. Ebury Publishing: Ebury Press. P. 47 RRP £12