Latest news from Breed Columnist Lyndia Salmon

It was a good day for Carmel Clarke-O’Neill at the Darlington Championship Show, she won BD & BOB with Lemracdream Field of Dreams (Ch/Ir.Ch. Irisblu Boomerang x Rimbert Queen of Naboo at L.) She also won BB, BPIB and Terrier Puppy Group 3 with Lemracdream Against all Odz (Torums Captain Couragous x Rimbert Queen of Naboo at L.), both are homebred and handled. The judge for the breed was Mr. P. Harding. It was the puppy’s first outing and she also got shortlisted for the Dog World Puppy Stakes under the judge Mr. Tom Johnston so didn’t she do well. Carmel also emailed me with a change of details for their Championship show in October, the doors are now open at 10 and judging will start at 12 noon they have a new venue, they are now at Whiston Town Hall.

News from Ireland at the Carlow Championship Show under Russian judge E Senashenko she awarded BOB & GSD to Paul Martin’s Something Blue For Clanciarrai this makes him Irish Junior Champion (subject to IKC approval). RGS was Mr. P. & Mrs. Leonard’s Shyloch Touchdown at Plenard Jun Ch. GSB & R.BOB was Mr B Walker’s Clanciarrai Blue Jasmine at Glenachall Ir Jun Ch. R.GSB was Mr P & Mr H Butterfield & Quigg’s Irisblu Diamante Jun Ch.

Breed Columnist Lyndia Salmon writes

At Richmond Championship show there were no classes for Kerries but Joanna Jones’ Arkama Harmony Miss D’Arcy won BB from the AVNSC class under Judge Mr. David Guy.

Mark Cushnahan messaged from Ireland that at Bangor and District All Breed Championship Show! Cushlagorm the Notorious (Nori) was best baby puppy in breed and then went on to win Reserve Best Baby Puppy in show!! Also at the same show Harold Quigg writes that Ch Irisblu the Fiddler (Maggie) went BOB under Judge Ms. J. Robbins then out of a large entry of quality terriers went Group 1 under Judge Thana Achariyawan.

The next show is Darlington without CC’s where the judge Mr. P. Harding has drawn an entry of 6 dogs.

The entry details are now out for Belfast, under Judge Mr. G. Cox there are 21 dogs making an entry of 25, and at Driffield under Judge Ms. Cara Davani there is an entry of 15 dogs.

Breed Notes Columnist Lyndia Salmon writes

We attended the Birmingham City Championship show on Saturday and we were lucky with the weather, we managed to avoid all the showers. There were 19 Kerries entered with 4 absent for Phil Davies to judge. There was a bit of a Continental flavour with entries from Italy and France. Christine Scott was very unlucky when she entered the ring with her young bitch, the loudspeakers went off and spooked the bitch, and Christine had to withdraw from the class, it was very unfortunate, but the loudspeaker was very loud and it completely startled the dog. The results were as follows DCC, BOB & Terrier Group 1 was Miss F. Cassin’s Balboa Saladin (Ch. Dandy Black & Blue just for Balboa x Miculadh Moonshine at Shillelagh), breeder Messrs F. & R. Tasselli. He was owner handled throughout the show. R.DCC was Ron Ramsey’s Torums Cairo Fred (Ch. Lemracdream the Navigator x T. Dallas Rose), owner bred and handled. BCC was Joanna Jones’ Arkama Harmony Miss D’Arcy (Nemiah Lanisters Gold x A. Ice Queen), bred by the late Pat Munro, and handled by Warren Bradley. R.BCC was Pat & Albie Munro’s Arkama Guilty Pleasure (Hallsblu Fibber Magee x Nemiah Poetry in Motion A.), bred by the late Pat Munro and handled as usual by her grandson Albie Munro. He was thrilled to win such a high award with his young bitch, and I’m sure that Pat would have been very proud of him. BP & Puppy Group 2 was Cathy Neill & Collins-Neill’s Kensbridge Kilclooney (Kebulak Womanizer x Ch./Ir.Ch. K. Filthy Love), bred and handled by Cathy. The schedules were being handed out at the show for the Kerry Blue Terrier Club of England and if you missed them they are available from the Secretary Margaret Bradley at the Ranch, Cwmbach Road, Aberdare, CF44 0PA, or contact her on 01685 874442. The Northern Kerry Blue Club is on the 15th October and the entries are still being taken, contact Carmel Clark-O’Neill at 9 Smallholdings, Millbank Lane, Maghull, Liverpool. L31 9AT or 0151 472 6012.

Céline Calloch contacted me to say that after winning a second at Birmingham City in the puppy class, with Arkama Purple on Purple, they travelled back to France and the following day at Nat. Dog Show Compiegne they won BP in breed under Judge Mme Melchior and then BIS Puppy Group 2 under Judge Mr. Pouvesie. Their Balboa Karismatic who won second in the Open Class at Birmingham also won BOB, and then BIS Champion 3 under Mme Melchior and BOG 3 under the group judge Mr. Jacops.

Reminding ALL dog owners to remember the dangers of leaving your dog in the car on warm days – BASICALLY DO NOT DO IT

Did you know, the inside temperature of a car can reach 49 degrees in just 30 minutes, even with the windows left open? 

Reminding ALL dog owners to remember the dangers of leaving your dog in the car on warm days – BASICALLY DO NOT DO IT

A car can become very hot, even when it doesn’t feel that warm outside. Dogs regulate their body temperature by panting, and in a small enclosed space, a panting dog will not be able to get enough fresh air to keep their temperature at a safe level. They can become dangerously overheated inside of a vehicle within just a few minutes, which can lead to dehydration, heatstroke, and even death.

Advice from the experts at the Pet Health Helpline

1. Don’t leave pets in the car – even for a minute

2. Hot pavements can burn your dogs paws, which can be a real problem for certain breeds with very thin pads. Walk dogs during the cooler hours or on the grass if possible

3. Offer fresh water at all times

If you are concerned about a dog, take these simple steps:

1. Find the owner

2. Call 999 if pet is in distress

3. Cool the pet down and offer cool water to drink

Discussion on Setting Kerry Blue Terrier Puppy Ears

Lyndia Salmon’s KBT Breed Column in Dog World this week, all contributions to the discussion are welcome within the Facebook Group of UK Kerry Blue Terrier Association or via email on our website Contact Page:

“Interesting phone call regarding the setting of a puppy’s ears. I was asked about how long you leave the ears set, and how long you leave the ears free. My regime for the setting of the ears is three weeks set, one week free. The free week gives the ears time to settle and for me to see where the next set should be, and it also gives me time to clean the ear and give it time to breathe. I am sure that other breeders have their own way of going about this, and it might be of interest for them to write in and give their advice to the readers. From a show point of view it is very important to get the ears correct, a big ear unless lifted can look hound like, and a small ear set high can look like a fox terrier. Neither of these ears are correct for the Kerry Blue Terrier, at one time the breed standard said that the fold of the ear should just be above the level of the skull, but it now says that the ears should not be carried too high. I personally like to see the ear carried the way it should be, and I find that a deviation from this ruins the correct expression of the Kerry. If anyone feels different write in and give your opinion it may be an interesting discussion.”

Results Windsor Championship Dog Show Kerry Blue Terrier 3rd July 2016

Windsor Championship Dog Show 2016

Kerry Blue Terrier Sunday 3rd July

Judge: Mr Colin Powell

BEST OF BREED : 7143 YOUNG Dr R Ch Kebulak Lady Killer

Best Dog : 7143 YOUNG Dr R Ch Kebulak Lady Killer

Res Best Dog : 7137 O’ROURKE Mr & Mrs D & J Kebulak Dressed To Kill

Best Bitch : 7140 RAMSAY Mr R Irisblu Shell Shocked

Res Best Bitch : 7133 JONES Miss J E Arkama Harmony Miss D’ Arcy

Best Puppy : 7137 O’ROURKE Mr & Mrs D & J Kebulak Dressed To Kill

Best Veteran :

Class 1983 D/B NO ENTRIES

Class 1984 PD (2 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 7137 O’ROURKE Mr & Mrs D & J Kebulak Dressed To Kill

2nd: 7136 MUNRO, Ms P & CROFT Miss N Arkama Flamboyant




Class 1985 JD NO ENTRIES


Class 1987 LD (2 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 7126 CARTER Mrs E Kebulak French Connection





Class 1988 OD (3 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 7143 YOUNG Dr R Ch Kebulak Lady Killer

2nd: 7128 CLARKE-O’NEILL Miss C Lemracdream Field Of Dreams Ir J Ch




Class 1989 GCDorB NO ENTRIES

Class 1990 PB (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 7129 COOPER Mr S Crystal Moonshine At Newcheshire





Class 1991 JB (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 7131 ENSELL Mrs R A & Mr P R Nemiah Shades Of Grey





Class 1992 PGB (4 Entries) Abs: 2

1st: 7134 MCCANN Mr J P & Mrs P Ballybaloe Mary Poppins

2nd: 7135 MUNRO Ms P & Master A Arkama Guilty Pleasure




Class 1993 LB (3 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 7140 RAMSAY Mr R Irisblu Shell Shocked

2nd: 7133 JONES Miss J E Arkama Harmony Miss D’ Arcy

3rd: 7141 WALTERS Ms C Kebulak Queen of Hearts at Kamaghan



Class 1994 OB (2 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 7125 CARSON Mrs S A Kebulak Miss Sixty





Results Kerry Blue Terrier Club of England Single Breed Championship Show Sunday 3rd July 2016 Windsor

The Kerry Blue Terrier Club of England Single Breed Championship Show Sunday 3rd July 2016 held during the Windsor Championship Dog Show

Judge: Mrs. B. McGeown (Granemore)

BIS: Ms. C. Walter’s Kebulak Queen of Hearts

R.BIS: Mr. F.R. & Mrs. J. Pinfold’s Cyres Licenced to Thrill

DCC: Mr. F.R. & Mrs. J. Pinfold’s Cyres Licenced to Thrill

R.DCC. Mr. R. Ramsey’s Torum’s Cairo Fred

BCC: Ms. C. Walter’s Kebulak Queen of Hearts

R.BCC: Mrs. R. Ensell’s Nemiah Shades of Grey

BP: Mr. D. & Mrs. J. O’Rouke’s Kebulak Dressed to Kill.


Veteran D. (1:1a)



1. Mr. D. & Mrs. J. O’Rouke’s Kebulak Dressed to Kill.


PD (0)


JD (3:1a)

1.   Mrs. C. Forrest & Mrs. C. Scott’s Lacarnaveen One and Only

2.   Ms. C. Davani’s Kebulak Wear my Kiss


PGD (1:1a)


LD (2:1a)

1.   Mrs. E. Carter’s Kebulak French Connection


OD (4:1a)

1.   Mr. F.R. & Mrs. J. Pinfold’s Cyres Licenced to Thrill

2.   Mr. R. Ramsey’s Torum’s Cairo Fred

3.   Ms. C. Clarke O’Neill’s Ir.Jr.Ch. Lemracdream Field of Dreams


MPB (1)

1.   Ms. C. Davani’s Kebulak Killing me Softly


PB (1:1a)


JB (2)

1.   Mrs. R. Ensell’s Nemiah Shades of Grey

2.   Mrs. C. Forrest & Mrs. C. Scott’s Lacarnaveen My Little Rose


NB (1:1a)


PGB (6:1a)

1.  Mr. F.R. & Mrs. J. Pinfold’s Atlanta Blue Cherie Etoile (Imp)

2.  Ms. P. & Master. A. Munro’s Arkama Guilty Pleasure

3.  Mr. J. & Mrs. P. McCann’s Ballybaloe Mary Poppins

Res. Mrs. E. Carter’s Kebulak Belly Dancer

V.H.C. Mr. R. & Mrs. W. Phillips’ Brandyn Hot & Classy


LB (4:1a)

1  Ms. C. Walter’s Kebulak Queen of Hearts

2. Ms. J. Jones’ Arkama Harmony Miss D’Arcy

3. Mr. R. & Mrs. W. Phillips’ Brandyn Hot & Classy


OB (2:1a)

1.   Mrs S. A. Carson’s Kebulak Miss Sixty.

London & Home Counties Terrier Club Open Show 11Sep2016 Maidstone

The London & Home Counties Terrier Club are holding their Open Show at Maidstone on Sept.11th. Entries close 14th August. Three classes are scheduled for Kerry Blue Terriers and prize money is on offer for Special Beginners, CH. Stakes and RBOB Stakes. Schedules can be obtained  Monica Barraclough is organising their Photographic Competition, the entry forms are either in the schedule or from Monica at and not as printed on the forms.