Obituary for Pat Munro

by Elizabeth Nagle

Mrs Patricia Margaret Anne Munro

“PAT” Rest In Peace

Pat’s funeral took place on Tuesday 14th June, 2016, 2pm at her local church, St John the Baptist, Pebmarsh. She was laid to rest in a beautiful Grave at the back of St John Church. (Trust Pat to find the best spot RIP)

It was a Beautiful service attended by her family and a close group of friends. Antony Salmon The Chairman of the Kerry Blue Association: wrote and read a lovely tribute to Pat which was very touching and had many of us In tears, it was very fitting indeed – Thank you Tony.

On our way to the church we had some terrible floods on the motorway but as soon as we reach our destination. The sun seemed to shine, just for Pat, which was a great comfort to the family and the rest of us.

The reception was held at the Dorringtan/Scenerios, Trinity St, Halstead. A lovely venue with good food and drink, plenty parking spaces a credit to Don & Family. We were introduced to Pat’s family, which gave me the opportunity to meet Pat’s sister Dawn for the first time, what a Lovely lady, who is also interested in dogs and horses. We had a lovely chat about Pat and her love of animals. Of course Pat was also interested in horses. Dawn gave me permission to use this Lovely picture of Pat when she use to ride many years ago. Dawn said, “It’s both their favourite Photo..! Thank you Dawn.

Many have paid tribute to Pat’s kindness and helpfulness to our next generation of exhibitors and show judges. Which I totally agree with. She was really amazing and a great assess to our breed.

Pat was a very much respected breeder, exhibiter and international show judge. I know how passionate she was about our Breed, she loved and adored the Kerry Blue Terrier. Her dedication to the breed has provided a legacy which will be hard to follow and in my opinion she will be right up there with the best.

Pat shared her life with her husband Don, Sons Kevin, Steve, David, and her grandson Albie. She was delighted when Albie took an interest exhibiting the Kerrie’s.

Pat and Don made up 48 plus champions and many international champions, I think there are more but I’m sure Don will put me Right on this? They are far too many to mention on here.

There greatest achievement was when Don handled UK/American & Canadian Champion Callaghan of Leander to Best In Show at Crufts 1979 the very first Kerry Blue to take that Title. It was a very proud moment for Pat & Don and of course it was fantastic for the breed.

Myself and my husband Con met Pat and Don in mid 70s, when our children were very young. We used to attend lots of Open shows and the kids loved it , we always got on very well and had lots of good times together, we attended many after show Dinner/Dance parties, Champion stakes and Pro dogs Stakes, all over the place , yes, we have some Wonderful memories.

Pat was always up for promoting and helping out at all our breed Show’s, myself and Con Served with Pat on the committee of the Association in the early eighties with our Dear friends Jimmy & Thersa Moreland. Pat was as active as ever back then as far as I can remember she edited several of the Kerry Blue handbooks, she also drew some wonderful illustrations for many of the handbooks. Nothing was too much for Pat when it came to helping our wonderful breed.

Yes, Pat was a sweet thoughtful funny creative talented person. She produced some beautiful works of arts for all the breed Clubs and her work was known all over the World.

What I admired most about Pat was her passion and pride for the Breed, she was so dedicated and always stood up for our wonderful Breed – The Kerry Blue Terrier.

She always supported and managed to get to all the breed shows, always looking very glamourous. Her Kerry Blues looked clean, shiny and with the help of her husband Don – Presentation was at its best. We solute you for that Pat… Our breed will feel your loss so very much and we will miss your beautiful welcoming smile…

Rest In Peace Our Dear Friend Pat.

Our Deepest Sympathies go to Don & Boys and all Pat’s Family. Liz & Con, Neil. Caroline & Myles are thinking about you at this very sad time, we are so sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you always

Liz Nagle

Funeral Arrangements for Mrs Pat Munro

The Funeral Arrangements for Mrs Pat Munro are as follows:

Pat’s Funeral will take place in her home village at St John the Baptist Church, Pebmarsh, Braintree Essex. Tuesday 14th June at 2.00 pm

Church Address: St John the Baptist, The Street, Pebmarsh, Essex CO9 2NH

There will be Family flowers and all donations should be sent to Cancer Research

For further information you can contact: Rev Gay Ellis, The Rectory, Church Street, Great Maplestead CO9 2RG T: 01787 460273

You can also contact Lyndia Salmon if you have any queries via the Contact Form on this site

Obituaries for Pat Munro

Written by Lyndia Salmon

Don Munro phoned me on Saturday with the sad news that Pat Munro had passed away. It was a great shock and very sudden. Pat owned the Arkama Affix which is well known throughout the world. Her Arkama dogs are found in the pedigrees of many kennels both at home and abroad. The foundation bitch for the Arkama Kennels was Downrite Denham Blue, she produced Arkama Denhams Follow up. Altogether the Arkama Kennels produced well over 50 UK champions plus World Champions and numerous Champions overseas and this from a limited breeding programme.


Pat was the secretary of the Kerry Blue Terrier Association for many years, but resigned in 2014 due to illness. At the same time she resigned at the Breed Correspondent for Dog World a post that she had held for many years. She first awarded CC’s in 1983, and has judged in Finland, Sweden, Spain, Ireland & the USA. She periodically wrote Breed articles for both Dog World and Our Dogs. She was very well respected in the breed and will be sadly missed by many. Pat had just had the all clear after suffering her second bout of cancer, she found the treatment very hard and was still suffering the side effects, but was hoping that her life would get back to normal now. At the Birmingham National she was in good spirits, but she was having a problem with her legs and was in a degree of pain with them, but was proud of her grandson’s handling of their young bitch.

I know that I will miss her, as we used to have many long conversations on the phone, covering a huge range of topics. Although I had known Pat for many years, and sometimes we had a difference of opinion, we only really got very close after I joined the Kerry Blue Terrier Association. Although sometime we agreed to disagree we had quite a few things in common. Pat was outspoken and called a spade a spade, she had no time for time wasters, but was always ready to give advice to newcomers to the breed. We were both interested in Craft, her Stuffies (model handmade fur Kerries) as she called them, were always a firm favourite when she brought them to Crufts to sell, and I know she was trying to fulfil orders at the time of her death. She was also a creative modeller of Kerry ornaments, and also she was a very talented painter. I have a few samples of her work at home. We also had a love of gardening (although Pat was more knowledgeable about the Latin names than I was) and would discuss what flowers to plant and what we liked. At one point Pat wanted a purple Rhododendron for a particular part of the garden, I picked one up for her, with a purple tag, but her son told her the tags don’t always match the flower. We waited 2 years for it to flower only to find out it was pink. Pat was always generous with her plants, and I have several in my garden that Pat gave me, and she also supplied some to Margaret Bradley. When she wasn’t with her dogs she spent a lot of time in the garden and it gave her great pleasure. The last couple of years she enjoyed going away in the caravan, and we always parked next to each other, and several times she and her grandson Albie came with us on trips. She was so glad that Albie was showing an interest in the dogs, and she hoped that he would continue to show their young bitch.

I know Don and her sons will find it difficult with Pat gone, as she was the rock that they relied on, and I’m sure that they will be really missing her. My sympathies go out to them, and I know I will miss her company and the talks we used to share.


Written by Carol Ramsay

Pat Munro (Arkama Kerry Blue Terriers) was a dear friend. We were shocked to hear of her sudden passing at the weekend.

Pat started in dogs in 1968… a lifetime ago, and by using an anagram of the name of her first show dog (an Airedale terrier) she registered the now famous Arkama affix. With a limited breeding programme, she went on to become a hugely successful breeder with over 50 Champions at home and abroad.

Along with her husband Don they became a formidable force and in 1979, a defining moment in Kerry Blues came when Don handled John and Wendy Streatfield’s Ch/Am Ch Callaghan of Leander to Best in Show at Crufts.

Pat had a natural ability to support newcomers to the breed which she kept right up to the end…

During Ron Ramsay’s early days of showing, Pat and Don gave him enormous support and friendship following his own bereavement at that time…

Pat’s father was a talented artist, and she really inherited that artistic flair. In the years before handmade cards became trendy…Pat produced the most beautiful hand painted greeting cards which were a delight to receive. She produced painted models and handcrafted gifts which she donated to the various Kerry Blue Breed Clubs to help raise funds.

Over the years, Pat was active as secretary of the Kerry Blue Club of England and later the Kerry Blue Association, she was an international Championship Show Judge and a regular breed note correspondent for both papers over the years.

I met Pat in the late 80’s, she was already successful in her breed, a hardworking mum who always managed to look glamorous in the show ring. I enjoyed her company on a number of trips to USA to the Montgomery Weekend…between shows, we spent hours trying on suits in Macy’s!

Pat mentored many newcomers to the breed, she actively promoted the ‘social side’ of dog showing organising the clubs dinner and dance for many years and little get togethers after judging…always with a warm welcome to all and plenty of food and wine!

She had her share of hard times amongst the good, and bravely battled cancer twice and won!

Most recently they had been supporting their grandson Albie, who has caught the ‘showing bug’…

To Don and the boys…we extend our deepest sympathy and we hope that little Albie continues to follow Pat’s footsteps.

If there really is an ‘Up There’….Pat will be in the great company of her very dear friend Judy Averis with a nice glass of red…

Carol RamsayFinland-400-275-1

Pat Munro (centre) Judging in Finland

You Will Be Missed – God Bless You

KBTA UK Treasurer Appointed New Columnist for Dog World Kerry Blue Terrier Breed Notes

Dog World Kerry Blue Terrier Breed Notes – published 20 May 2016

WE HAD a lovely day today at the National, although the day started off wet, it soon brightened up into a glorious day. Our breed was first in the ring, although due to an accident on the motorway the judging was delayed by a half an hour. Only one small grumble, why were the terriers put at both ends of the hall, to see friends in other terrier breeds was not that easy.

Geoff Corish handled the BOB and also won G4.

The results were as follows. DCC and BOB went to Dr R Young’s Ch Kebulak Lady Killer (Multi Ch K Born To Tease ex K Sticky And Sweet), bred by Cara Davani. RDCC was Mr R Ramsay’s Torum’s Cairo Fred (Ch Lemracdream The Navigator ex T Dallas Rose), bred by owner.

BCC was Ms C Walters Kebulak Queen Of Hearts at Kamaghan (Kebulak Only the Brave ex Ch Kebulak Striptease), bred by A Potts. I believe this is the second CC for Cherie with this bitch so hopefully it won’t be long before she gets her crown. RBCC was Mrs R and Mr P Ensell’s Nemiah Shades Of Grey (Ch Lemracdream The Navigator ex Ch N Born Of An Angel), bred by owners. BP was Ms C Davani’s Kebulak Wear My Kiss (Ch Kebulak Lady Killer ex Kebulak Kissalicious), bred by owner.

Joanna Jones also had a good day with her Kerry Arkama Harmony Miss D’Arcy winning VHC in the Good Citizen class and also second in her breed class. It is good to see a Kerry doing well in the Good Citizen class as not many terriers take part in this scheme. Joanna has also tried agility with Darcy and has really enjoyed it. So you Kerry owners out there have other exciting things to do with your dogs as well as showing them.

There was a get-together after the judging with many of the exhibitors contributing to the table, it was lovely to see some of the newcomers starting to join in and they were made welcome by the more experienced exhibitors. It is good that the clubs can work together to encourage new people to show, we have to try to expand our numbers, but unless we work at it our numbers will keep dropping. We have to promote the advantages of the social aspects, and the get-togethers we have had at the last couple of shows does encourage this, so I hope that it keeps going. Our condolences to Sue and Les Peacock on the loss of their daughter. It is always a hard time, but it was nice to see Les at the show. It was good to have a catch up on the news, and find out who is expecting puppies. So onwards and upwards. Next week I will publish the judges who I know for the rest of the year.


National Dog Show 8th May 2016 Stafford Kerry Blue Terrier Breed Class Results

Judge: Mr Martin Phillips

BEST OF BREED : 9711 YOUNG Dr R Ch Kebulak Lady Killer

Dog CC : 9711 YOUNG Dr R Ch Kebulak Lady Killer

Res Dog CC : 9702 RAMSAY Mr R Torum’s Cairo Fred

Bitch CC : 9708 WALTERS Ms C Kebulak Queen of Hearts at Kamaghan

Res Bitch CC : 9692 ENSELL Mrs R A & Mr P R Nemiah Shades Of Grey

Best Puppy : 9686 DAVANI Ms C Kebulak Wear My Kiss 

Best Veteran :

Class 2469 PD (4 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 9686 DAVANI Ms C Kebulak Wear My Kiss

2nd: 9699 NEILL, Miss C & COLLINS-NEILL Miss G Kensbridge Kilclooney

3rd: 9693 FORREST, C & SCOTT C W Lacarnaveen One And Only

Res: 9681 BELT Miss F Esp Arterriers High Voltage (Imp)


Class 2470 JD NO ENTRIES

Class 2471 PGD (3 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 9706 SEDDON, Miss P & BUTLER Mr J Lemracdream Donatello

2nd: 9703 RATHBONE Mr A M Kebulak Blue Demon In Qaraqul




Class 2472 LD (2 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 9702 RAMSAY Mr R Torum’s Cairo Fred





Class 2473 OD (2 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 9711 YOUNG Dr R Ch Kebulak Lady Killer

2nd: 9683 CLARKE-O’NEILL Miss C Ch Ir Ch Lemracdream The Navigator




Class 2474 VD NO ENTRIES

Class 2475 PB (4 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 9694 FORREST, C & SCOTT C W Lacarnaveen My Little Rose

2nd: 9685 COOPER Mr S Crystal Moonshine At Newcheshire

3rd: 9691 EARLE, Mr S & KELLY Ms E T Clanciarrai Adante At Dollagh



Class 2476 JB (2 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 9692 ENSELL Mrs R A & Mr P R Nemiah Shades Of Grey





Class 2477 PGB (5 Entries) Abs: 3

1st: 9700 PINFOLD Mr F & Mrs J Atlanta Blue Cherie Etoile (Imp)

2nd: 9698 MUNRO Ms P & Master A Arkama Guilty Pleasure




Class 2478 LB (4 Entries) Abs: 2

1st: 9708 WALTERS Ms C Kebulak Queen of Hearts at Kamaghan

2nd: 9696 JONES Miss J E Arkama Harmony Miss D’ Arcy




Class 2479 OB (6 Entries) Abs: 2

1st: 9682 CARSON Mrs S A Kebulak Miss Sixty

2nd: 9684 CLARKE-O’NEILL Miss C Lemracdream Blue Ivy

3rd: 9709 WALTERS Ms C Kebulak Dominatrix at Kamaghan

Res: 9701 RAFTER Miss S Arkama My Way


Class 2480 VB NO ENTRIES

Flavour Flexible Simple & Delicious Homemade Treats

Here’s our latest flavour flexible homemade dog biscuits. We added some parsley and mint too and that worked a treat!


  • 350 grams whole wheat flour
  • ¼ tsp. salt
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp. beef or chicken bouillion or stock
  • ½ cup extra hot water

Optional extras… Oats, shredded cheese, bacon bits, shredded chicken


  • Preheat oven to 200°C
  • Dissolve the bouillon or stock into the hot water
  • Add in the remaining ingredients and mix until a dough is formed.
  • Knead dough until it forms a ball (approx. 3 minutes).
  • Roll out the dough evenly, until ½ inch thick.
  • Cut into slices, or shape as you like! (Please bear in mind that for larger shapes you will need to adjust cooking times accordingly.)
  • Place dough pieces on lightly greased baking tray.
  • Cook in centre of the oven for 30 minutes.

(Speak to your vet if you are in any way unsure of your dog’s sensitivities to wheat or any other ingredient)

Kerry Blue Terrier Get Together at The National Dog Show, Stafford Sunday 8th May 2016

It is fast becoming a welcome habit for us to get together after the Champ Show KBT Breed Class judging so here’s a reminder that we’re doing the same at the National Dog Show at Stafford County Showground on Sunday 8th May which is also the overall Best In Show Finale Day. We’ll post on Facebook KBTA group page and if you’re not showing but interested in Kerry Blues let us know that you’re coming and take a look at our Committee section on our website as there’s familiar faces for you to then seek out at the Show. We’ll make up a table in one of the benching areas and lets have a free for all on what everyone brings!!

Well done Stuart Cooper and Puppy Crystal Moonshine at Newcheshire WELKS 2016

Sunday 25th April West of England Ladies Kennel Society (WELKS). The weather was cold and dry which was good, and it was nice to see all judging was outside. Sadly we have no classes on offer for Kerries, Stuart Cooper and Jessica Pretty made the journey down with Stuart’s puppy bitch (Crystal Moonshine at Newcheshire). The judge for AVNSC terrier was Marion Sargent and she awarded Crystal Moonshine at Newcheshire the Puppy Bitch Class and also Best Puppy Bitch.

Kerry Blue Terrier Association Single Breed Championship Show 03 April 2016 Results & Judge’s Critique

Winners-KBTA-Championship-Show-April-2016-400-275-2 Judge Mr. Helge Kvivesen (Shyloch)

BOB: Walters. C. Kebulak Queen of Hearts Kamaghan

BD: Ramsey. R. Torum’s Cairo Fred

R.BD: Clark-O’Neill. C. Lemracdream Field of Dreams Ir.Jr. Ch.

BB: Walters. C. Kebulak Queen of Hearts

R.BB: Ensell Mrs R A & Mr P R Nemiah Shades of Grey

BP: Forrest & Scott. C. & C. Lacarneaveen the One and Only

I would like to thank the club and its members for inviting me to my first assignment in the UK and to all exhibitors for entering. There was a very nice entry and mostly of high quality dogs.  My overall impression is that most entries were of excellent type and temperament, they had very nice coat-quality and presentation. A few exceptions, otherwise nice mouth-pigmentation and correct bites.  My only concern is too many narrow fronts and briskets. The show was held in a super atmosphere and I was very well taken care of this National Terrier weekend by Wendy, Lyndia and my skilled ring steward Tony.

Veteran D/B (2:2a)

MPD (0)

PD (4:1a)

1st Forrest & Scott. C. & C. Lacarneaveen the One and Only. Lovely type, beautiful head and expression. Dark eyes and neat ears.  A little too upright in front. Short in back, nice tail set. Super coat. Nice movements when he settles. Lots of attitude and showmanship. BPISWinners-KBTA-Championship-Show-April-2016-400-275-3

2nd Martin Mr P & Mrs E Clanciarrai Coada. Nice size. Head not as good as 1. Nice shoulder, top line and tail set. Very nice coat quality, moves well.

3rd Davani Ms C Kebulak Wear My Kiss.

JD (1)

1st Seddon, Miss P & Butler Mr J Lemracdream Donatello. Makes a very nice picture. Strong head, correct bite. Nice expression.  Very well angulated in front.  Still a bit narrow in body.  Very nice tail set, excellent rear. He just needs some more time.  I believe he will do very well in the future.

ND (1)

Wilkinson. L. Cranmoss Jacko (withheld)

GD (0)

PGD (2:1a)

1st Easton, Mr R M & Mackay Mr Kebulak Heart Of Stone With Widdershins. A smaller dog of good shape and outline. Nice head, a bit large eye. Nice in front, super short in back with a high set tail. Excellent rear. Nice coat and colour. Very impressive on the move.

LD (4:2a)

1st Ramsey. R. Torum’s Cairo Fred. Wonderful, quality dog. Fantastic, long head with neat ears and dark eyes giving a keen expression. Excellent front, very short in back with a high set tail.  Excellent rear that he uses very well on the move. Fabulous coat quality, colour is breaking.  An impressive dog impossible not to like.  CC and R.BISWinners-KBTA-Championship-Show-April-2016-400-275-1

2nd Earle, Mr S & Kelly Ms E T Miculadh Edge of Glory at Dollagh. Excellent type. Not the same quality head as 1.  Nice front. Short in back with a nice tail set. Super coat quality.  I would like more drive in movement.  A bit too hot to handle.

OD (4:2a)

1st Clark-O’Neill. C. Lemracdream Field of Dreams Ir.Jr. Ch. Attractive, strong dog with lots of attitude.  He makes a beautiful picture. I would prefer a cleaner head.  Excellent expression. Very nice in front. Short in back with a very high tail set.  Super rear. Excellent coat quality and presentation.  Very easy mover R.CC

2nd Young. Dr. R. Ch. Kebulak Lady Killer. Super head and expression. Needs better angulation and he is a bit narrow in front.  Super coat in fabulous condition and presentation.  Moves OK.Winners-KBTA-Championship-Show-April-2016-400-275-5

MPB (3:2a)

1st Earle, Mr S & Kelly Ms E T Clanciarrai Adante at Dollagh. Very feminine of correct size.  Very nice head and expression. Nice front, short in back with a high set tail.  Nicely angulated rear. Super coat quality. She’s a free mover with a lovely attitude.

PB (1)

1st Forrest, C & Scott C W Lacarnaveen My Little Rose. Feminine puppy with a lovely head.  Small, dark eyes and nice ears.  Lovely in front, nice top line and tail set.  Very nice rear.  Super coat and she’s an excellent mover. Lovely temperament.  R.BPIS

JB (2:1a)

1st Ensell Mrs R A & Mr P R Nemiah Shades of Grey. Impressive high quality junior bitch. Fabulous attitude. A bit strong in head but she has a lovely expression. Super front and she carries her neck in a manner not often seen in bitches.  Very short in back with a high set on tail.  Excellent rear giving her a fantastic drive.  Lovely coat quality.   R.CC.

NB (0)Winners-KBTA-Championship-Show-April-2016-400-275-7

GB (0)

PGB (5:2a)

1st Munro & Munro Ms P & Master A.  Arkama Guilty Pleasure. She wins today’s toughest class of 3 very high quality bitches.  She excels in head and coat quality.  Nice expression, well laid back shoulder giving her a long neck and short back.  Very nice tail set. Excellent rear and pleasing on the move.  Expertly handled by her very young and skilled handler.

2nd Pinfold. F.R. & J Atlata Blue Cherie Etoile. She gives a very nice picture, very feminine.  I would prefer more strength in her foreface.  Super neck into a short back.  Nice rear, excellent movements.  Coat is OK.

3rd Hetherington Miss L Irisblu Aiveen for Newent

LB (4:2a)

1st Walters Ms C Kebulak Queen of Hearts at Kamaghan. Absolutely stunning bitch. Fantastic attitude and constantly on her toes.  She has a very nice and feminine head with super ears and expression. Lovely confirmation all over. Super front with the most attractive neck running smoothly into a short back.  Tail bang on.  Very easy and effortless mover.  Fabulous & silky coat, super presentation.  I was delighted to award her BCC and BIS.

2nd Jones Miss J E Arkama Harmony Miss D’Arcy. A bit up in size and made on longer lines with a super head and expression.  Could have a darker eye.  Excellent tail set, fantastic coat.  A bit close behind, otherwise nice mover.

OB (6)

1st Muat T. Montealtos Well Ya Don’t Say. Lovely bitch of nice size and type.  Excellent head and expression.  Nice front and short in back.  I would prefer a bit higher tail set.  Excellent coat and colour, very nice movement. She’s showing herself to her advantage.

2nd Craig Mr J Ir Ch Clanciarrai Claddagh Ring. Another lovely bitch. Head not as good as 1.  Nice top line and tail set.  Well angulated rear.  Super coat, moves OK.
3rd Carson Mrs S A Kebulak Miss Sixty. Nice bitch, a bit up in size and with longer lines than 1 & 2.  She has a beautiful head, I would prefer a darker eye and better pigmentation in mouth.  Nice front and top line. Lovely tail set. Super coat quality.  Nice temperament.

Res. Walters Ms C Kebulak Dominatrix at Kamaghan.

V.H.C. Clarke-O’Neill Miss C Lemracdream Blue Ivy.


Special Beginners

1st Rafter Miss S Arkama My Way

2nd Seddon, Miss P & Butler Mr J Lemracdream Donatello

3rd Jones Miss J E Arkama Harmony Miss D’Arcy
