UK Kerry Blue Terrier Association Single Breed Championship Show 03 April 2016

Judge – Mr. Helge Kvivesen (Shyloch).

BOB: Walters. C. Kebulak Queen of Hearts Kamaghan

BD: Ramsey. R. Torum’s Cairo Fred

R.BD: Clark-O’Neill. C. Lemracdream Field of Dreams Ir.Jr. Ch.

BB: Walters. C. Kebulak Queen of Hearts

R.BB: Ensell Mrs R A & Mr P R Nemiah Shades Of Grey

BP: Forrest & Scott. C. & C. Lacarneaveen The One And Only

Veteran D/B (2:2a)

MPD (0)

PD (4:1a)

1st Forrest & Scott. C. & C. Lacarneaveen The One And Only

2nd Martin Mr P & Mrs E Clanciarrai Coada

3rd Davani Ms C Kebulak Wear My Kiss

JD (1)

1st Seddon, Miss P & Butler Mr J Lemracdream Donatello

ND (1)

Wilkinson. L. Cranmoss Jacko (withheld)

GD (0)

PGD (2:1a)

1st Easton, Mr R M & Mackay Mr Kebulak Heart Of Stone With Widdershins

LD (4:2a)

1st Ramsey. R. Torum’s Cairo Fred

2nd Earle, Mr S & Kelly Ms E T Miculadh Edge Of Glory At Dollagh

OD (4:2a)

1st Clark-O’Neill. C. Lemracdream Field of Dreams Ir.Jr. Ch.

2nd Young. Dr. R. Ch. Kebulak Lady Killer

MPB (3:2a)

1st Earle, Mr S & Kelly Ms E T Clanciarrai Adante At Dollagh

PB (1)

1st Forrest, C & Scott C W Lacarnaveen My Little Rose

JB (2:1a)

1st Ensell Mrs R A & Mr P R Nemiah Shades Of Grey

NB (0)

GB (0)

PGB (5:2a)

1st Munro & Munro Ms P & Master A.  Arkama Guilty Pleasure

2nd Pinfold. F.R. & J Atlata Blue Cherie Etoile

3rd Hetherington Miss L Irisblu Aiveen for Newent

LB (4:2a)

1st Walters Ms C Kebulak Queen of Hearts at Kamaghan

2nd Jones Miss J E Arkama Harmony Miss D’ Arcy

OB (6)

1st Muat T. Montealtos Well Ya Don’t Say

2nd Craig Mr J Ir Ch Clanciarrai Claddagh Ring
3rd Carson Mrs S A Kebulak Miss Sixty

Res. Walters Ms C Kebulak Dominatrix at Kamaghan

V.H.C. Clarke-O’Neill Miss C Lemracdream Blue Ivy

Special Beginners

1st Rafter Miss S Arkama My Way

2nd Seddon, Miss P & Butler Mr J Lemracdream Donatello

3rd Jones Miss J E Arkama Harmony Miss D’ Arcy

Northern Kerry Blue Terrier Club Open Show 02 April 2016 Stafford

Judge: Mr. Andrew Goodsell (Livewyre)

BOB: Carson Mrs S A Kebulak Miss Sixty
BD : Seddon, Miss P & Butler Mr J Lemracdream Donatello
R.BD: Davani Ms C Kebulak Wear My Kiss
BB : Carson Mrs S A Kebulak Miss Sixty
R.BB : Ensell Mrs R A & Mr P R Nemiah Shades Of Grey
BP : Davani Ms C Kebulak Wear My Kiss

Veteran D/B (4:3a)

1st Carvey Mr. P.E. Ch. Arkama Pinball Wizard at Philwyre

Beginners D/B

1st: Seddon, Miss P & Butler Mr J Lemracdream Donatello

MPD (0)

PD (3:1a)

1st: Davani Ms C Kebulak Wear My Kiss
2nd: Forrest, C & Scott C W Lacarnaveen One and Only

JD (1)
1st: Seddon, Miss P & Butler Mr J Lemracdream Donatello

PGD (2:1a)
1st:  Easton, Mr R M & Mackay Mr Kebulak Heart Of Stone with Widdershins

LD (5:3a)
1st:  Carter Mrs. E. Kebulak French Connection
2nd: Earle, Mr S & Kelly Ms E T Miculadh Edge of Glory at Dollagh

OD (3:2a)

1st: Carvey. Mr. P.E. Dollagh Intercity Gent at Philwyre

MPB (2)
1st: Cooper Mr S Crystal Moonshine at Newcheshire
2nd: Earle, Mr S & Kelly Ms E T Clanciarrai Adante at Dollagh

PB (1)
1st: Forrest, C & Scott C W Lacarnaveen My Little Rose

JB (2)
1st: Ensell Mrs R A & Mr P R Nemiah Shades Of Grey

PGB (5:2a)
1st: Munro & Munro Ms P & Master A.  Arkama Guilty Pleasure
2nd: Hetherington Miss L Irisblu Aiveen for Newent
3rd: Carter Mrs E Kebulak Belly Dancer

LB (5:2a)
1st: McCann Mr J P & Mrs P Ballybaloe Mary Poppins
2nd: Jones Miss J E Arkama Harmony Miss D’ Arcy
3rd: Wilkinson Mrs L Cranmoss Crackling Rose

OB (3)

1st: Carson Mrs S A Kebulak Miss Sixty
2nd: Clarke-O’Neill Miss C Lemracdream Blue Ivy
3rd: Rafter Miss S Arkama My Way

National Terrier 02 April 2016 Stafford

Judge: Mrs E S Foy (Byley)

BOB: Ensell Mrs R A & Mr P R Nemiah Shades Of Grey
DCC : Cassin Miss F Balboa Saladin
R.DCC : Martin Mr P & Mrs E Clanciarrai Coada
BCC : Ensell Mrs R A & Mr P R Nemiah Shades Of Grey
R.BCC : Walters Ms C Kebulak Dominatrix at Kamaghan
BP : MARTIN Mr P & Mrs E Clanciarrai Coada

MPD (0)

PD (3)

1st: Martin Mr P & Mrs E Clanciarrai Coada
2nd: Forrest, C & Scott C W Lacarnaveen One And Only
3rd: Davani Ms C Kebulak Wear My Kiss

JD (1)
1st: Seddon, Miss P & Butler Mr J Lemracdream Donatello

PGD (3:1a)
1st:  Carter Mrs E Kebulak French Connection
2nd:  Easton, Mr R M & Mackay Mr Kebulak Heart Of Stone With Widdershins

LD (3:1a)
1st: Cassin Miss F Balboa Saladin
2nd: Earle, Mr S & Kelly Ms E T Miculadh Edge Of Glory At Dollagh

OD (2:1a)

1st: Clarke-O’Neill Miss C Ch Ir Ch Lemracdream The Navigator

MPB (3:1a)
1st: Earle, Mr S & Kelly Ms E T Clanciarrai Adante At Dollagh
2nd: Cooper Mr S Crystal Moonshine At Newcheshire

PB (1)
1st: Forrest, C & Scott C W Lacarnaveen My Little Rose

JB (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Ensell Mrs R A & Mr P R Nemiah Shades Of Grey

PGB (3)
1st: Munro & Munro Ms P & Master A.  Arkama Guilty Pleasure
2nd: Hetherington Miss L Irisblu Aiveen for Newent
3rd: Carter Mrs E Kebulak Belly Dancer

LB (6:1a)
1st: Walters Ms C Kebulak Queen of Hearts at Kamaghan
2nd: Clarke-O’Neill Miss C Lemracdream Blue Ivy
3rd: McCann Mr J P & Mrs P Ballybaloe Mary Poppins
Res: Wilkinson Mrs L Cranmoss Crackling Rose
VHC: Jones Miss J E Arkama Harmony Miss D’ Arcy

OB (5:1a)

1st: Walters Ms C Kebulak Dominatrix at Kamaghan
2nd: Craig Mr J Ir Ch Clanciarrai Claddagh Ring
3rd: Carson Mrs S A Kebulak Miss Sixty
Res: Rafter Miss S Arkama My Way



CRUFTS Results and Critique, NEC Birmingham, Sunday 13th March 2016

CRUFTS Sunday 13th March 2016

Judge: MRS C RAMSAYCrufts-2016-BOB-and-RBB-13Mar2016-400-275-1

BOB: Mr H & Mrs H Quigg Ir Ch Irisblu Jack Of Diamonds

DCC: Mr H & Mrs H Quigg Ir Ch Irisblu Jack Of Diamonds
R.DCC:  Miss C Clarke-O’Neill Ir Jr Ch Lemracdream Field Of Dreams
BCC: Mr J M, Mrs P & Miss S Cedron, Amaro & Dominguez  Esp Ch Awen De Liott [ATC AS01354ESP]
R.BCC: Messrs E W, P A & J O’brien & Poulova Edbrios Exotica

BP: C & C W Forrest & Scott Lacarnaveen the One and Only

Many thanks to exhibitors for their entries. It’s a huge honour to judge at any show, but particularly so at Crufts. Thanks also to the Crufts committee for the invitation.

I had many quality animals to assess, & without doubt, some of the placings could easily change on another day.

All exhibits demonstrated good temperament, most had dark gums & dark roof of mouth, bites were mostly correct with a couple of exceptions.

A little variation in coats, with some coloured, but with incorrect texture.

I was delighted that my BOB winner went on to represent our breed so well by winning G3 under a very highly respected terrier man!

PD: (3:2a)

1st C & C W Forrest & Scott Lacarnaveen the One and Only, delightful pup with long, clean head & lovely neat ears. Dark eyes. Good neckline & depth of brisket, with good tail set & correct soft & silky coat for age. Moved true coming & going.

JD: (1)
1st Miss C Clarke-O’Neill Ir. Jr. Ch. Lemracdream Raphael, very promising young male, good head & ear carriage, dark eye, lovely neckline & shoulders, level top line & compact body with good depth of brisket. Tail on top with well-developed quarters. Beautifully balanced dog, showed & moved extremely well. Lovely coat texture, correct colour for age.

PGD (7:2a)
1st Mr J, Mrs S, Mr P & Ms J Corbin, O’brien & Poulov Edbrios Silverado, well presented male from this very consistent kennel. Lovely balance with a great tail set & back end, good bend of stifle. Good coat & colour, good neck line & shoulders. Decent head, used ears well. Moved with purpose.
2nd Miss F Cassin Balboa Saladin Jr Ww ’15, Jr Euw’15 [ATC AS02148ITA]. Beautiful coat & colour. Short coupled, compact dog with good back end & tail set. Good depth of brisket. Moved OK;
3rd Miss P & Mr J Seddon & Butler Lemracdream Donatello. Good outline, long head with good expression. Good reachy neck line & good shoulders. Good tail set & carriage. Moves well. Lovely coat texture, correct colour for age. Well handled. 
Res Mr R & Miss C Rose & Tracey Arkama Gung-Ho

LD (4:1a)
1st Miss C Clarke-O’Neill Ir Jr Ch Lemracdream Field Of Dreams. Lovely young male. Very steady on the move & in stance. Well-developed backend & very good tail set. Long head, strong jaw, dark eyes. Lovely outline. Good reach of neck, well bodied. Lovely coat texture with plenty of colour breaking. Pressed winner. RCC;
2nd Messrs D & I Anderson & Watt Edbrios Explorer At Nisyros. Strong male with good neckline & shoulders. Good head & expression with correct ears. Good back end & correct tail set, although tail carriage could be better. Slightly longer coupled but with an attractive overall outline. Moved true coming & going but needs more purpose when on the move.
3rd T Sonnenschein Loughborough Suite Leroy [ATC AR01470DEU]. Compact dog with good back end. Good head & expression, decent shoulders & neck line. Short back & decent tail set. Beautiful coat texture with colour breaking well throughout. Moved true coming & going but needs to step out more, he was turning to look for his owner which spoiled his outline on the move.

OD (5:2a) Three excellent males in this class, all with great quality. I was really impressed by all three winners who are all capable of winning at the highest level.

1st Mr H & Mrs H Quigg Ir Ch Irisblu Jack Of Diamonds. Upstanding male with great ring presence. He has a super outline & with hands on, does not disappoint. His dark blue coat is beautifully soft & silky with correct texture. His compact body is muscular & strong. He has a strong head with good ear carriage. Lovely neckline & correct shoulders, short back, well developed quarters with good stifle & strong tail set & carriage. Covers the ground with purpose & holds a pleasing outline on the move. Very well presented, it was a pleasure to award him CC & BOB;
2nd Mrs G Llorens Rodriguez Sp Ch Edbrios Valentino [ATC AR02145IRE]. This is another very pleasing dog, beautifully presented, good coat & colour with correct pigmentation, good backend & tail set. Decent head with good ears used all the time. Long reachy neck & good shoulders. Sound mover, slightly longer in loin than 1, but nevertheless a super representative of the breed;
3rd T Sonnenschein Rus Ch Loughborough Suite Luthar For Nash Avgust [ATC AS01445DEU]. I really liked this dog. He has a lovely head & expression, well bodied, gorgeous coat texture. Good neck line & shoulders into good depth of brisket. Tail set is good, & he is sound coming & going. Presented very well. .

VB (2:1a)
1 1st Miss C C & Miss C G Calloch & Godard Fr/Be/Lux/Swiss/Mon/Int Ch Balboa Extravaganza [ATC AK00241ITA]. Compact bitch with neat head & ears. Coat is of good colour. She has a decent neck & good top line. Good tail set. Moved well coming & going.

JB (2:1a)
1st Mr P & Mrs R Ensell Nemiah Shades Of Grey. Very attractive young bitch, just out of puppy class. She has a lovely outline, good head with dark eye & wicked expression, neat ears, compact body, great neck line good depth of brisket for age. Good back end & stifle, short hocks. Tail on top. Moves well when she settles. Lovely coat texture, a real contender for the future.

PGB (8:4a) Another good class where the three main winners were all of good quality.
1st Messrs E W, P A & J O’brien & Poulova Edbrios Exotica. Stylish bitch with great outline. Pleasing head with good ear carriage, great neck line, good shoulder placement, level top line & tail on top. Good muscular quarters. Coat has good colour, wave & texture. Moved true coming & going. Well presented & really pressed the bitch CC winner. RCC;
2nd L Hetherington Irisblu Aiveen For Newent. Very attractive young bitch, decent head, very good ears & expression, lovely neck line & shoulders, great back end & tail set with plenty behind the tail. Coat is of lovely texture, colour coming. Excellent mover. Held a lovely outline. Just lost out to 1 on a little maturity. Well presented;
3rd Mr G & Mrs A Daly Lucy Bee. Have admired this lovely bitch from the ring side & she is compact & good to go over. She has a lovely head with good ears & expression. Well made, with a good neck & top line. Her back end is well developed, tail set good, coat is silky with plenty of colour breaking. Lovely in stance, she would not cooperate on the move with her handler today, saw enough quality in her for her placing.

Res Mr F R & Mrs J Pinfold Atlanta Blue Cherie Etoile (Imp)

LB (8:3a)
1st Miss C Clarke-O’neill Lemracdream Blue Ivy. Very smart on the move, with excellent side gait. Good tail set & back end, soft coat & enough colour, & although she could do with a little more hair in places, this did not detract too much from her good outline. Feminine head, good expression. Good neck line & shoulders. Showed well;
2nd Miss J E Jones Arkama Harmony Miss D’Arcy. Attractive bitch, good steady mover. With good head & expression with good ears. Decent neck line & shoulders, slightly longer cast that 1 & higher on the leg. She has a beautiful coat texture with good colour, clearing well;
3rd Messrs D & I Anderson & Watt Kebulak Playing With Fire At Nisyros. Good sized bitch with a good head & expression, presents a good outline, compact body & decent back end. Coat clearing, needed a bit more refining on the trim to complete the picture. Moves true, but needed a bit more ‘ooomph’ today, but nevertheless an attractive bitch with lots to like about her.
Res Mr J & Mrs P McCann Ballybaloe Mary Poppins
VHC Mrs L Wilkinson Cranmoss Crackling Rose

OB (10:2a) My class winners here were all of high quality, with some good ones going card less.
1st Mr J M, Mrs P & Miss S Cedron, Amaro & Dominguez Esp Ch Awen De Liott [ATC AS01354ESP]. Very attractive bitch, moved out with style & presence. Her head & neck & outline are all beautiful. Tail bang on top with good stifle & quarters. Her coat is of correct silky texture & lovely colour. Good expression, very well presented & excelled on the move;
2nd Mr H & Mr P Quigg & Smith Ir Ch Irisblu Candy Stripes. Another quality bitch with good head & expression. Slightly longer cast than 1, but with good body & depth of brisket. Plenty behind the tail, with good turn of stifle. Dark blue with lovely coat texture. Moved OK;

3rd Mr R Tasselli Balboa Show Time [ATC AS01060ITA]. Smart, compact bitch from this highly regarded kennel. She is a good size, with decent head & ears, well-proportioned body with good neck line & quarters. Her tail set & carriage were good. Soft coat with colour still clearing, she moved adequately, but without her usual ‘sparkle’ today.
Res Mr A Muat Montealtos Well Ya Don’t Say

Good Citizen Dog Scheme – Bitch (1)
1st Miss J E Jones Arkama Harmony Miss D’Arcy

Crufts Sunday 13th March 2016 Judging 09:00 Get Together Afterwards

Get together at Kerry Blue Terrier Crufts Sunday 13th March 2016 judging starts 09:00 Hall 1 Ring 4 good luck to all competitors. After judging is complete we will be getting together for nibbles and catch up. If joining in please, if possible, bring something with you eg and in no particular order lemonade, squash, dips, pies, cake, fruit, crisps, salad, tomatoes, cheese, pretzels, sandwiches, bubbles, plastic cups, paper plates, tablecloth. It’s too tricky trying to manage who brings what so this year it’s a lucky dip! Lets see what happens and hopefully we don’t have 30 tablecloths and nothing else!  See you there.  Any queries go via Facebook KBTA group page

Kerry Blue Success at Ashton in Makerfield CS Open Show

At Ashton in Makerfield Canine Society’s Open show, the Kerries put on a good show, with Carmel Clarke-O’Neill’s homebred Ir. Jnr. Ch. Lemracdream Raphael (Ch Saredon Rainbow Warrior x Lemracdream Blue Ivy) getting BOB & G.1, and at the first time of being shown, Stuart Cooper’s Crystal Moonshine at Newcheshire. Bred by Mr. J.A. Craig.  (Ch. Hallsblu Fibber Magee x Ir. Ch. Clanciarrai Claddagh Ring) BP & PG3. The judge was Nicola Spencer (Nannonbrig)

Very Well Done Becki Ensell BIS and RBIS Groom Team Scotland Show 14FEB2016

UK KBTA Committee Member Becki Ensell Wins BIS and RBIS Groom Team Scotland, commenting after the momentus Wins, Becky said “Had an absolutely amazing day at the Groom Team Scotland Show. Cannot believe how well I’ve done. 1st in advanced pure breed and best pure breed scissor with my Kerry. 1st in advanced handstrip and best handstrip with my Lakie. Best All Round groomer on points. Reserve BIS with the lakie and BIS with the Kerry!! Thanks to all the sponsors for all the wonderful prizes and prize money. Thanks to Agnes Murphy and the rest of Groom team Scotland for hosting a well run show. Thanks to all my judges Amy Manser, Joanne Angus and Lee Cox. I feel so lucky. Thanks also to Peter for letting me use the dogs for a change lol xx”

Guess Who?

We’ve really enjoyed this exercise and have all the names for all the Kerry faces in this photo. Before revealing all, we’ll be giving you the chance to guess the names and hope it brings back some fond memories for many! You may need a magnifying glass and if people want the original posted on our FaceBook page they only have to ask

When a dinner and dance was a real dinner and dance. Another trip back to yesteryear!
When a dinner and dance was a real dinner and dance. Another trip back to yesteryear!