Ringside Comments – Anonymous International Visitor 1990

We are finding old gems from yesteryear and here is one from 1990, international visitor to UK who happened to cock their ear to ringside chatter and noted them down…here they are:

….Ooh’s dog ees that? Never mind ‘is back end! Eet is upright in shoulder, an course in ‘ear, and eet go tippetty, tippetty when eet walk!

….Funny how that crowd’s dogs all change colour at the same show.

….I thought is was supposed to be Kerry BLUE?

….What size did you say they were?

….It was a lovely Lavender blue at Scotland.

….Dip the *uggers in water!

….If these are Kerry Blues I’m glad I’m not in them any more

….It’s cow hocked and that swayed back it looks as if they rode it up the M6!

….I wish it would pour with rain and then we would see.

….Well I think it’s lovely, it always wags its tail!

More wonders and merriment coming soon!

And we welcome submissions too, we can’t guarantee all will be published.

Favourite Fishy Treats – Let’s BAKE!

Some of our dogs go twisting and spinning around for fish and here is a good way of getting your furry friend to eat a healthy snack that they will relish. Remember these are treats and rewards so two or three a day is ample. Children like making this recipe too as its an easy mix and fun cutting out the shapes let alone seeing the results of your fine work!

You can use whatever shape you like - keep it fun with these deliciously simple fishy treats
You can use whatever shape you like – keep it fun with these deliciously simple fishy treats


1 x 200g tin of salmon or tuna in oil

1 egg, beaten

100g (4oz) flour


Preheat your oven to 180 degrees C (350C/Gas Mark 4) and lightly grease a baking sheet. Put the fish and oil into a mixing bowl and flake it through with a fork. Add the beaten egg stirring well to

combine. Add the flour next and mix together to form a lumpy dough. You can either roll out the dough and use a fish cutter or even a heart cutter, cut up into small squares or roll into little dough balls – lots of option to play around with. Place the shapes onto the baking sheet and bake in the oven for approximately 20 minutes – it will depend on the size of your biscuits – so keep an eye until golden brown and cooked through. Remove from oven, allow to cool and you can store them in a sealed container in the fridge for approximately 2 weeks.

If its Valentines why not give your Furry Friend and 'hearty' fish treat!
If its Valentines why not give your Furry Friend and ‘hearty’ fish treat!

Simple Dried Apple Rings

This is a lovely treat recipe that is very healthy for your dog and virtually fat free!

Healthy Home Dried Apple Rings make a Tasty Treat for your Dog
Healthy Home Dried Apple Rings make a Tasty Treat for your Dog

Most dogs loves apples in all varieties and this is a good low-fat treat you can feed yours without worrying about putting weight! And they’re naturally sweet, so these treats make a nice change from the usual savoury ones.


Apples – you can use any variety of apple but please do check that they are not bruised


Preheat your oven to 160 degrees C (325 F). Peel and core the apples and slice into rings. Place the rings on a baking sheet and put into the oven to bake for about 6 hours. They should be dry and ‘leathery’ when they are done, rather than crispy (there’s nothing wrong with them being crispy we just prefer then leathery). The more moisture you take out of them, the longer they will keep. They will keep for 2 – 4 weeks in an airtight container depending on how dry they are. You can cook the apples faster on a higher heat but you must keep an eye on them as they tend to burn quickly which is not what you want at all.